Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Long TIme No See

I feel like it has been forever since I have posted anything. Guess you could say things have been busy around here. Plus Jacey really doesn't like Mommy paying more attention to the computer than to her! ;) These are just some random pics that I choose to share.

Here she is practicing her cheerleading pose at Nonnie's!

I just love this little outfit that her great aunts got her for her birthday! We had to pose in the backyard at Nonnie's and show it off. Thank you Aunt Jim and Aunt Carolyn!

We went to Dallas Memorial Day weekend and had some good fun family time. We went to the Dallas Aquarium, went shopping, swam, and had pictures done by the amazing Kristy!

This was Jacey at the Aquarium. She was more interested in checking out her feet rather than looking at all the neat birds and scenery! haha I know she is probably too little to really enjoy it anyway, but we still had fun. She did like the shark tank which is the picture below this one!

This was Jacey's very first time in a big pool. I am not really sure she was all that thrilled. She enjoyed it for about five minutes then she wanted to do everything on her own. She didn't want Daddy holding on to her and she didn't want to be in her float either! Miss Independence, you say? Um yea, afraid so.