Tuesday, May 19, 2009

1 Month

Miss Jacey Kate is 1 month old! It is so hard to believe that she is already a month old. She is growing so fast. She is not wearing too many of her premie outfits anymore, and it makes me sad. I guess it is good that she is a growing healthy girl! I intend to do this every month using the same pose, so we can see how much she is changing. She was not too excited to do this, so it is maybe not the greatest picture...it beats the others that she is screaming in though! :)


  1. JJ I love the the blog spot and all the photos of Jacey. She is so beautiful and you dress her so fabulous! Her and Conner will make a wonderful couple! ha ha. Im so glad yall made this so I can see her grow. Conner has one on shutterfly. It is connerrussellwatson.shutterfly.com. Where did you find the little one month sign to mark her growth? I wish I would have had those. Its hard to believe Conner is 8 months. It goes by so fast - enjoy every second!

  2. Hey there Brie! Thank you. I am glad you are enjoying the blog. It is fun to do. I just wish I had more time to post everyday on what we did for the day, but that just aint happenin' right now! The little one month sign...I made it with scrapbook stuff. I got that idea off another blog that I follow.
